(In the sidebar on the right are the categories for this project >)
Hi! I am Iris Oostra and I am 23 years old at the time of writing. I live in Almere and go to Hogeschool van Amsterdam to study Game Development. I am currently doing the VR semester because I would love to learn to make games in VR.
I have already learned a lot at HvA but I started learning programming years before starting at HvA. I know a good share of programming languages like HTML, CSS, SQL, JavaScript, Java, JSP, C++, C#, jQuery, JSP, etc. I have also worked with Unity, MonoGame, WordPress and Cinder (for C++).
Looking back on the semester my learning goals for this semester can be categorized under three chapters/categories:
- Learn handtracking and become a better programmer;
- At the start of the project hand tracking was my biggest learning goal, but because of the way the project progressed I could not continue working on it and thus I moved it into the programming chapter to make it a part of that goal.
- Learning blendshapes for making a character creator
- Learning more about concepting and designing a product
Another overarching goal for me is making the product complete and have it feel like a complete thing instead of a demo or only one part of the product. This is not a specific learning goal but it is something I really focussed on mostly at the end of the development.
For the teachers reading this: sometimes the pictures or documents displayed in this portfolio do not load, if you see a huge gap or cut-off image: please reload the page until you can see the missing media. Thanks!