We had two big points we all agreed on during this third retrospective. One being that we all thought the sprint went by really fast and the other being that we all thought that our group process went a lot better with more communication and a clearer goal.
Our action points from the last sprint were the following:
- In deze sprint gaan wij met een show-and-tell systeem werken hierdoor willen wij het proces verbeteren door meetbare producten neer te zetten. Dit gaan we controleren door te bespreken wat we op de dag en in de week willen afkrijgen.
- We did do this, but in the last few days we did not focus on it nearly enough. That’s why we now, especially since we are working from home, will be putting more focus on it and writing everything down and checking it at the end of the day.
- Tijdens deze sprint gaan we meer richten op onze leerdoelen. Dit doen wij door meer op onszelf te focussen. Dit controleren wij door vaker aan elkaar te vragen of je denkt dat je wel of niet aan je leerdoel werkt en of je je goed en gelukkig voelt binnen het project.
- This was a point we made because people were losing motivation when they could not work on the things they wanted to learn. During this sprint we focussed on this by making the sprint planning in a way that everyone had at least one thing they really wanted to do and by asking at least every week whether everyone was still doing things they wanted. During the third retrospective everyone confirmed that this went well, but I did tell them my worries about my own learning goal being pushed further in time by other important things. They assured me by saying that my goal about blendshapes has a really high priority so I do not have to worry about that.
- Voor aankomende sprint willen nog steeds rekening houden met andermans gezondheid, aardig tegen elkaar zijn en de kans geven om min en plus punten aan te kaarten maar daarbij wel een meer open communicatie hebben. Dit willen wij doen door ondersteuning te vragen tijdens de groupcoaching. We gaan dit controleren door binnen de groep te vragen of er wel of geen behoefte aan is tijdens het gehele project.
- This went really well, you can read about it in the second point and in the first paragraph on this page.
- Tijdens deze sprint gaan wij meer focussen op voor ons zelf kiezen en niet altijd maar ja zeggen op feedback. Dit controleren we door na een meeting met anderen hun feedback door te nemen en rustig onze eigen mening te vormen en daarna te overleggen wat wij van deze feedback vinden.
- We did this a lot better than before, because after every piece of feedback and opinion from outside the group we sat down and discussed what we wanted to do with the feedback.
For this retrospective I chose the boat, because it focussed on multiple good and positive topics. We all took some time to write post-its and put them on the picture. Afterwards everyone described their post-its and we divided them into groups based on their topics. Lastly we each gave points to the groups and made action points from the four most important groups.
I am very proud of our group process so far and that our communication has improved so much since the start of the project. I also asked if I can be the meeting leader during the next retrospective (talking through the steps for example), because I actually wanted to do that this time but someone else already did it and I did not want to disrupt.
You can see our action points and post-its below: