For me personally the themes of this last sprint were: making carousels, finishing the product whole and a lot of stress!
We really worked as a group to finish the most important features during this sprint and I took it upon me (with help from Scott) to put it all together and have it function well. This is partially why I was stressed, it was also because I took too much tasks upon me and had trouble finishing it all. This is why I learned Ebru and then also Frederique how to make blend shapes on clothing. I took me a bit before I did this, because I was scared to have it impact my learning goal but Ebru convinced me that it would be alright and later Lisette also confirmed this.
In the end I am really proud of the project and I am extremely happy that it is a complete and full experience and was happy to see this confirmed during the last testing Friday. We also really improved as a group and had a great workflow at the end of the semester and could really talk well together.