Here you can read about my personal process and my thoughts about that. Summaries of the sprints are found in the group process chapter. (Those also reflect on personal progress).
My overarching learning goal:
Make a complete and finished product which uses hand tracking to make the experience feel natural and manipulate objects. Also learn how to make a extensive character creator and use the hand tracking for that.
Changes since last feedback round
I did not get feedback on this chapter during the last feedback round, but since my last individual coaching I added two new parts: one and two.
Conclusion and reflection
There three things I want to highlight that I have learned for myself:
- Leadership skills: you can read this here in the reflection and here.
- Making adjustments to the testing, you can read this here.
- Leading the project to a good end by choosing to merge earlier and in a different way. You can read this here. This really contributed to my overarching learning goal.
I think I achieved my overarching learning goal, because of the third point, where I really focused a lot on making the project a complete thing. I also learned a lot about working in an interdisciplinary team. This was really good for me, because I did not know at the beginning what they knew (their expertises but also what their base knowledge about computer stuff was).