For the game we want to have a character that can help the player when needed. This is for instance when they do not know what to do or if they want to change a setting. For this I am making the Shoe-bee.
I began by starting to sketch a simple cartoon bee (picture 1), but I realised that it did not fit with the Shoeby brand. In our conversation with the client about the Shoe-bee they said that they loved the idea, but it had to be a fashionable bee. I kept this in mind while making my second “sketch” (picture 2). I showed the finished drawing to my teammates and they liked it.
The only thing that I will need to reconsider during modelling the bee is the thickness of its legs. This was feedback from Scott. This will be something that I will test during modelling to see what looks good. I will be modelling the bee in Medium by Adobe on the Oculus Quest 2, because one of my learning goals is trying out 3D-modelling in VR. You can see the article about trying out Medium here. After and during the modelling I will also focus on the design of the bee’s presence in the game. Where it is flying and how the player will interact with it for example.
Sketch Design